Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin necessary for growth and development. This vitamin has antioxidant properties to block damage from oxidation that can lead to inflammatory conditions, heart disease and cancer. Vitamin C also protects against toxic chemicals and air irritants. Proper wound healing is also dependent on vitamin C, supplementing with Vitamin C can speed wound healing and tissue repair. Many studies have examined the effect of high dose Vitamin C and suggest it can help protect the body from colds and flu.

Vitamin D
A recent published study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at blood levels of vitamin D (measured as 2 hydroxyvitamin D) in 9,949 people aged 50-74 for a median of 9.5 years. Compared to those with sufficient vitamin D levels, those who were deficient had a 71% higher rate of dying from any cause.

Vitamin E
Vitamin E ties up free radicals, which result from oxidation and cause genetic damage and cell death. This vitamin may also help provide protection against heart disease and cancer as research has shown that people with higher levels of Vitamin E have a lower risk of heart disease. Adequate amounts of Vitamin E help to prevent liver and kidney problems. Vitamin E may benefit Diabetics as it can help regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels and improve antioxidant levels.

Vitamin K
The Rotterdam Heart Study, a large-scale, well-controlled clinical trial that tracked thousands of subjects for seven years, revealed that people who consume the most dietary K2 have healthier hearts when compared to people who consume the least. Six additional studies have shown that higher vitamin K levels also correspond to less calcium deposits in the aorta, and can even cause a 37% regression of preformed arterial calcification.

Methylcobalamin is the form of vitamin B12 that is more efficiently utilized by the body and does not contain the CN group.

Pyridoxine HCL
Pyridoxine HCL converts into the metabolically active form of vitamin B6 which helps protect against protein and lipid glycation reaction

Zinc has powerful immune-boosting and protective effects and can stop viral replication. There is evidence that zinc supplements may help lower the risk of getting a cold in the first place as low levels of zinc can make the body more susceptible to infection. Zinc supplementation may also shorten the duration of a cold.

Astragalus has been used in Traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. It was often combined with other herbs to strengthen the body against disease. It has antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies have shown that astragalus stimulates the immune system suggesting that it may help prevent colds. In the US, researchers have looked at astragalus as a possible treatment for people whose immune systems have been weakened by chemotherapy or radiation.

Several laboratory and animal studies suggest that Echinacea contains active substances that boost immune function, reduce inflammation and have antiviral and antioxidant effects. Many professional herbalists recommend Echinacea to treat urinary tract infections, yeast (candida) infections, ear infections, sinusitis, hay fever and slow-healing wounds. One study suggests that Echinacea extract exerted an antiviral action on the development of recurrent cold sores triggered by herpes simplex virus when taken prior to infection. Today, people use Echinacea to shorten the duration of the common cold and flu and reduce symptoms of sore throat, cough and fever.

Vitamin B Complex
B complex vitamins help with growth and development by turning food into energy to fuel bodily functions. B vitamins protect people from many health problems, according to the American Cancer Society. Vitamin B9, also known as folic acid, may even reduce the risk of some cancers.

Vitamin A
Vitamin A, found in beta-carotene, has antioxidant properties that protect cells from damage caused by oxidation. In turn, this protection helps prevent degenerative diseases that occur during the aging process. Vitamin A also protects vision and helps maintain skin, soft tissue and mucous membranes.

Copper is a mineral that helps your body make red blood cells and keeps nerve cells and your immune system healthy. It acts an antioxidant, reducing free radicals that can damage cells and DNA. Your body needs copper to make energy.

Selenium is an essential mineral that works as an antioxidant, especially when combined with Vitamin E. Most studies suggest that the body needs Selenium for the immune system to work properly. It can help build up white blood cells, which boosts the body’s ability to fight illness and infection.

Green Tea Extract
Standardized Green Tea Extract contains active polyphenols that help inhibit LDL oxidation, neuronal peroxidation, and maintains healthy DNA structure. A daily dose of MdNaturalsRx Multivitamin or Immune Support formula contains 100 mg of a decaffeinated green tea extract with polyphenols (including the potent epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG)) which is equivalent to drinking ½ cup of green tea. Green tea powdered extracts are 60%–90% better absorbed in the bloodstream and far more bioavailable than drinking green tea.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5)
Pantothenic Acid, also known as Vitamin B5, is a an essential B vitamin that aids in metabolism. Studies have demonstrated that Pantothenic acid may contribute to the reduction of lipid levels in those with hyperlipidemia. In addition, administration of pantothenic acid after surgery can enhance wound healing due to its anti-inflammatory properties. It is also one of the nutrients thought to reverse the effects of Nutritional Neuralgia , which is neuralgic pain (severe throbbing, aching, and/or burning pain) of the lower extremities, also called burning foot syndrome.

Garlic is a nutrient that is rich in antioxidants. Early evidence has suggested that garlic may help prevent colds. In one study, people took either garlic supplements or placebo for 1 weeks during cold season between November and February. Those who took garlic had fewer colds than those who took placebo. And when they did get a cold, the people taking garlic saw their symptoms go away faster than those who took placebo.
Allicin is the most powerful medicinal compound derived from garlic and provides the greatest health benefits.

Amla Berry
Amla Berry is a nutrient that is rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants in Amla berry have been shown to be over 200 times the antioxidant content of blueberries. Preclinical studies have suggested antipyretic, analgesic, anti-atherosclerotic, hepatoprotective, nephroprotective, and neuroprotective properties.

Panax Ginseng
Panax Ginseng is touted for it’s improvement in psychological effects. It has been shown to improve cognition, memory, attention, reaction time, and processing. In addition, it has been shown to improve fasting glucose and elevate mood in those with non–insulin dependent diabetes, improvement in erectile dysfunction, libido, and intercourse satisfaction.

Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that can help prevent free radicals from damaging our DNA. This compound is what makes up the red pigment of tomato. A study of a thousand middle aged men also showed that when taking Lycopene, there was a 55% decrease in incidence of any stroke and a 59% decrease in incidence of a stroke caused by a blood clot.

Ginger warms the body and helps to break down the accumulation of toxins in the organs, particularly in the lungs and sinuses. Ginger also helps cleanse the lymphatic system, which is our body’s sewage system. By helping keep your airways and lymphatics open, ginger may help prevent the accumulation of the toxins that may increase your risk of infection.

This trace mineral is a crucial component of thyroid hormone which maintains our basal metabolic rate. It helps regulate body temperature, nerve and muscle function and plays a role in the body’s growth and development.

This is a trace mineral noted to enhance insulin activity and the breakdown of the sugars that we eat. Some research indicates that chromium supplementation has some weight loss benefit.

Manganese is essential for bone health and is needed for both bone formation and density. A study published in The Journal of Nutrition showed that in postmenopausal women, calcium supplementation along with zinc, manganese, and copper could help slow osteoporosis and improved spine density better then calcium supplements alone. Manganese is also important for carbohydrate and glucose metabolism.

This vitamin is essential for converting food into energy. It has also been shown to lower the risks of high cholesterol and heart disease.